Apartment Stories

Every community has a story to tell.  We want to help share it.

Apartment Stories is a Lead Magnet that connects with your visitors by learning what they are looking for in a home, showing them your best content in a Web Story format and follow-ups with a personalized video on their very own landing page.

Tell Your Story

Easily create conversions from your existing site traffic.

Easily create conversations from your existing site traffic with a personalized experience optimized for today’s mobile lifestyle.

Engage your prospective tenents with a personalized experience optimized for today’s mobile lifestyle.

Say Hello!

As soon as they begin, visitors are greeted with a friendly smile and a welcoming voice.

With just a few taps users tell you what they are looking for in a home, equipping your sales team with a complete prospect profile to help close deals faster.

Tell Your Story

Time to shine.

Next, dazzle your prospects with an engaging fullscreen environment showing the best your property has to offer.

Like an Instagram story, your prospects can tap through your key amenities, as well as check availability or schedule a tour.

Tell Your Story

Sweet Features.

It’s a cinch to implement and integrate with your property management software.

It works seamlessly anywhere:  your site, Google and Facebook campaigns, and Google My Business.

Gain valuable insights from your data. Know what amenities your customers are looking for in a home and use those amenities in a targeted ad campaign.

Tell Your Story

Before you invest more time and money in marketing, make sure you are converting as much traffic as you can today.

Tell Your Story